21 Realitní makléri v Yarra City

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Stredná predajná cena
414 593 €
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Real Estate Agent Claire Wenn has irrepressible enthusiasm and passion for real estate complemented by an outstanding record for achieving exceptional results over her many years in the industry. Today she combines her selling prowess with expert knowledge of real estate in the Eastern Suburbs, and gets a lot of satisfaction from knowing she’s put in the effort that has provided a great result for her vendors. Claire is a hardworking, trustworthy Real Estate Agent with a happy disposition who values being part of the Belle Property Balwyn team. The people, great auctioneers and an unrivaled commitment to getting the best outcome for seller and buyer alike are the hallmarks of the Belle Property brand. She believes that the agency has a fantastic reputation for always going the extra mile for their clients. She is excited to be part of such an extremely experienced team that brings the highest standard of service in customer care, local knowledge and first-class results to Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs.
Stredná predajná cena
472 450 €
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