New development

Patton is the new green

Apartments for sale • ref: p33
Starting at $ 377,257
4 floors
June 30, 2025
The Patton district / Enter Angers through the front door! "GREEN" INFINITY AND BEYONDÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Resolutely contemporary in its architecture, diabolically innovative in its low-carbon design, the Patton is the new green block residence amplifies the deployment of an eco-district in full metamorphosis. PATTON FORESHADOWS THE HABITAT OF TOMORROW: INTELLIGENT, RESPONSIBLE, EFFICIENT. A strategic and symbolic location of the renovation of the district into an eco-district to allow you to easily radiate over the entire perimeter... and to enjoy in almost direct line the Balzac Park and Lake Maine, places of greenery and walk very popular with the Angevins. THE + OPUS: A COMMON AREA GENEROUSLY DECORATED AND EQUIPPED For a change of scenery or occupy your time differently: have a coffee, enjoy the wide openings to the outside, sit in the Annex, your common space located at the foot of the Patton residence is the new green. Like at home, better than at home. A real extension of your comfort zone XXL format. - Housing from T1 bis to T4 - 1 business room (high-end kitchen designer) - 1 room 2 wheels - 1 hall, 1 common room, 1 stage manager office - 1 underground car park with 35 spaces (including 3 spaces reserved for disabled people) - Connection to the district heating network (district boiler room supplied with wood, known as biomass (potential reduction of 80% of CO2 emissions) - ...
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