Ravi BanuyanAdd to favoritesRental guarantee every monthWangen bei OltenCommercial building • 1 room(s) • 1442 sq ft (134 m²)$1,002,803Request a tourContact agent
Herr Nenad SkalonjaAdd to favoritesCENTRAL LOCATION WITH POTENTIAL FOR EXPANSIONOltenCommercial building • 8 room(s)$1,406,105Request a tourContact agent
Frau Maria KalogirouAdd to favoritesGENEROUS IN CENTRAL LOCATIONGretzenbachCommercial building • 11 room(s)$1,951,107Request a tourContact agent
Add to favoritesGrosszügige Gewerbefläche mit 3 Wohnungen und einem Studio / Mögliche Rendite ca. 5%Olten (district)Commercial building • 1 room(s)Price on demandRequest a tourContact agent